
AutoCartografia32 / AutoCartography32

Solo exhibition at Werner Thoni Artspace , Barcelona (Spain) September 2014

AutoCartografia32/ AutoCartography32 is a transdisciplinary project that presents the process of symbolic transformation of personal universe into a new graphic language. The work results from the interpretation of a codified reality (photography) through the symbolic representation (drawing). The symbolic abstraction of my life experience during 2011 starts from the reading of a photographic archive, treating it as a map and taking the self-portrait as a geographic territory of analysis, to turn it into cartography. The installation consists of a video that shows the photographic archive, and a mural (9 meters x 4 meters) produced with tape, created from the interpretation of the photographs. At the end of the exhibition the work is transformed into sculpture – TheOtherLifeOfTheWork. AutoCartografhy32 presents the work’s results produced during the Artist International Residence, between July and September 2014, at Werner Thoni Artspace in Barcelona.



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